Unbeliavable that we have already come this far. It was 5 years ago that I made my first kimono coat, and after receiving wonderful feedback, decided to start making more under the brand Lili Marleena. A few weeks ago we celebrated this milestone with a fashion show and party at Bruket Café in Kallio.
Reaching 5 years doesn’t come easily or by itself. And the main reason we are still here is all of you – our customers! So thank you for being there for us year after year. We are doing this for you, so every time you come up with a thought or idea on how we can do better, please share with us. I tend to listen to my customers, because I think you are the best and have amazing ideas!
Also, without having a super team making all our products here in Helsinki, Finland, we wouldn’t exist. We now have a team of 5 including myself and 4 talented seamstresses. They are the real treasures. They catch every idea quickly, improve them, make patterns, and eventually make our ready products at our workspace in Kallio.

Our 5 years of existence party started with a fashion show! We made 12 special unique dresses just for the occasion, and they were worn by 12 women of ages 18-82. We wanted to showcase the special things we are able to do within our “one size fits all” ideology. Our second round on the runway was a collection of midi wrap dresses worn by all these amazing women who agreed to model on this show.

The evening continued in the form of a pop up and party. We had a dj duo making sure the music was on point, and Bruket Café made a delicious set of focaccia and brownies. Thank you everyone who was able to make it to our birthday party! I hope we will able to celebrate many times more.

Photos by Sami Tuoriniemi, Instagram @sami_tuoriniemi
With <3: